BONUS - Thuiswerkers, kom los van je Teams-scherm (Dutch)

[Bonus episode in Dutch.] Bram van den Hoogen deelt zijn ervaringen en lessen als thuiswerkende manager van het marketing- en communicatieteam van de Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM). Zijn oproep: ga niet gelijk naar de inhoud, maar maak eerst contact met de mens. En: plak niet zo vast aan je Teams-scherm. Soms werkt samen wandelen of ouderwets bellen veel beter.

Voor meer informatie, ga naar de show notes.

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BONUS - Ron Ashkenas on Coaching Effectiveness

In this bonus episode, Ron and I discuss his recent HBR article ‘Executive Coaches, Your Job is to Deliver Business Results’ and how it clashes with conventional wisdom in coaching. Is behavior-driven coaching a double leap of faith? When is executive coaching effective? And how is coaching different from business consultancy?

For more information, visit the show notes.

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Ep. 20 - What Makes a Great Leader? (with Ron Ashkenas)

Ron Ashkenas is an executive coach and boardroom advisor with more than 35 years of experience in supporting leadership growth and organizational transformation. In this episode, we explore great leadership: what is it, what’s the difference with management, how do you grow as a leader and what does it take to succeed, particularly in today’s virtual environment?

For more information, visit the show notes.

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Ep. 19 - Exploring Bias, with Chaya Mistry

Bias is not just about race or gender. It can relate to any human attribute such a person’s height, fitness, clothing, pronunciation, writing skills and even the car he or she drives. In this episode, fellow communication coach Chaya Mistry and I explore this important topic and how it affects our ability to lead, communicate and build human connections.

For more information, visit the show notes.

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Ep. 18 - How to Talk About Race, with Kwame Christian

Kwame Christian, the author of 'Finding Confidence in Conflict', talks about the role of leadership in tackling systemic racism in our societies. Given the recent events, leaders need to start a difficult but crucially important dialogue about race and inequality in the workplace. In this episode, you’ll learn where to start and why sanitized statements won’t get you anywhere.

For more information, visit the show notes.

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Ep. 17 - Weaving Coaching into Your Leadership, with Michael Bungay Stanier

Michael Bungay Stanier returns to the show to discuss his latest book ‘The Advice Trap’. We are hardwired to add value to each and every conversation and offer our advice without being asked. And why not? Our knowledge is probably the biggest reason why we got to where we are today. But if you want to grow as a leader, you have to be able to resist the temptation to offer advice – or tame your advice monster, as Michael calls it.

For more information, visit the show notes.

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BONUS Personal Leadership in Crisis: Lessons from Nanco Vrijland

How do you keep making your own choices and following your own path when external forces are pulling you in all directions? In this short recap episode for international listeners, my wife Marlies Zegelaar and I reflect on Nanco Vrijland’s lessons (my guest on Ep. 16) about personal leadership and how it relates to us.

For more information, visit the show notes.

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Ep. 16 - Nanco Vrijland: Persoonlijk leiderschap in crisistijd [recorded in Dutch]

Nanco Vrijland, the coach who trained me, talks about personal leadership and the power of generosity in times of crisis. In this episode, which was recorded in Dutch, Nanco shares tips on how to deal with uncertainty and live a more examined life. I will soon release a short episode in English to share what I learned from this deeply personal conversation.

For more information, visit the show notes.

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