Accepting Your Own Truth

I just stumbled upon this beautiful quote from Deb Gruenfeld'sActing with Power’. This encapsulates a lot of what I've been working on through coaching, writing and podcasting:

"In the theater, what it means to give a powerful performance is to accept and own the truth of what it means to be a human being: to be strong and weak, accomplished and fallible, powerful and powerless, all at once. This, actually, is the challenge that professional actors face every time they get in character. To play any part authentically, an actor must accept the character without judgment. And this is true for the rest of us as well. By accepting that each of us is all of these things, by learning to value all of these truths and show all of these sides of ourselves when appropriate, and by handling our mistakes with grace and equanimity, we become more resilient, less ruled by shame and self-loathing, and, ultimately, more powerful. Ironically, this is where authenticity comes from: not trying to be more yourself, but learning to accept more of yourself."

Thanks to Shane Parrish for sharing this gem in his weekly newsletter.